What is 211 Saskatchewan?
211 Saskatchewan is a free, confidential service that connects people to government and community services and programs across the province.
You can connect with the service by texting 2-1-1, calling 2-1-1 or going to the website 211.sk.ca, to search or chat with a community navigator. No matter what method you choose to connect with 211 Saskatchewan, a real person is standing by to help you find the service or program that best meets your needs including childcare, shelter, or financial services.
The service is accessible 24/7, in 175 languages, including 17 Indigenous languages over the phone.
What is 211 Day?
211 Day (February 11) serves as a reminder that help starts with 211. You can help spread the word about 211 by sharing the images below and using #211DayCanada and #HelpStartsHere. By spreading the word about 211, you can help community members get connected with the services they need the most right.
Help spread the word about 211 by sharing on social media. Please click the images/button below to download 211 Day images and suggested posts.
Please click the image below to enlarge the view.
Click icons to be connected to 211 Sask’s social channels.
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