Make a difference in our community.
Making a gift is secure, easy and goes directly to helping our community.
Send your donation by mail. Click here for a printable donation form.
Donations are also accepted by e-transfer.
Our charitable registration number is 11927 6509 RR0001. (A gift of $25.00 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.)
By donating locally to United Way of Saskatoon and Area:
- you move families and individuals out of poverty into healthier and more sustainable lives;
- you create opportunities for participation in community initiatives; and
- you provide children and youth with the means to become successful young adults right here at home.
Donations made through this page go towards United Way’s focus areas.
More ways to give
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Donor Recognition
When it comes to supporting Saskatoon’s most vulnerable individuals and families, generosity comes in many forms. Each year, thousands of individuals, organizations, and unions, donate their time, expertise and dollars to United Way of Saskatoon and Area.
This generosity provides local agencies with investments that change lives. United Way Saskatoon thanks and acknowledges all of our supporters. Whether you are an individual donor, a corporate sponsor, Leadership Donor, or you participated in a workplace campaign, please know that your kindness is appreciated.
Leadership and Major Gifts
United Way Leaders and Major Donors are committed to building a vibrant and caring community for all people. They have made a decision to take action through a donation of $1,200 or greater for the purpose of creating a better life for everyone in our community.
The Leadership Honour Roll recognizes the contributions of the remarkable people and organizations that have helped change lives in our community.