Summer Snack Program

The Summer Snack Program originated in 1988 when two teachers realized that although children had access to lunch programs during the school year, they did not have access to this critical service during the summer months. They approached the Saskatoon and District Labour Council (SDLC) with this concern and the Summer Snack Program was born.

The SDLC Summer Snack Program currently provides lunches at six core neighbourhood parks as well as Agriculture in the Classroom Program sites.
Each summer the SDLC hires staff to coordinate, prepare, deliver and serve lunches, 7 days a week, during July and August. A typical lunch consists of a
whole-wheat sandwich, fruits and vegetables, a drink and a healthy snack. Often it is more than bringing lunch – the kids look forward to the friendship, leadership and stability that the coordinators provide.

United Way of Saskatoon and Area’s Summer Success Initiative – Summer Snack has provided breakfast, lunch and snacks for United Way of Saskatoon and Area’s Summer Success literacy camps since 2016. In 2022, 11,332 meals and snacks were served at 8 Saskatoon core neighbourhood parks during July and August.

Please give to United Way and help us keep the momentum going.

Nicole Mulenga-WooSummer Snack Program