United Way Saskatoon and Area invites you to our 65th Annual General Meeting!
DATE: August 28th, 2024
TIME: 8:00AM to 9:00AM
PLACE: Station 20 West Multi-Purpose Room (accessed through the main entrance; first room on your right)
Refreshments and light breakfast provided.
Doors open at 7:30 am. Please join us early if you are a voting member. You are a United Way voting member if you donated $1 or more to United Way, represent a corporation or organisation that donated $10 or more to United Way (letter required), or represent a United Way funded agency (letter required) in 2023-24 fiscal year (April 2023 to March 2024).
Please RSVP by email: office@unitedwaysaskatoon.ca.
NOTE: An annual report with audited financial statements will be provided at the AGM and posted on our website. However, if you want an advance copy of the audited financial statements to review beforehand, please request them via office@unitedwaysaskatoon.ca.
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